Construction and Multi-layer Contracts

At IHL, we understand that complex contracts, such as those in the construction industry, can be difficult to navigate without the proper attention to detail. That’s why our experienced team of consultants is dedicated to providing our clients with the necessary guidance and representation to ensure that their contracts are drafted and reviewed carefully.


One of the most important aspects of a construction contract is the multi-layer dispute resolution clause. If this clause is not carefully crafted and implemented, it can create burdensome challenges down the road. That’s why our team is committed to working with our clients to develop effective dispute resolution methods that are appropriate for their specific needs.

The IHL team has extensive experience in dealing with a wide range of contract formats, including FIDIC and TurnKey, as well as tailored agreements that include EPC/EPCT, IPD, PSCM, GMP, and more. We understand that each contract is unique and requires a customized approach. We recommend that all contracts, especially complex ones, be reviewed at the time of preparation and drafting. However, if you missed a careful revision by a specialist and need consultation or representation for a current issue, our team is here to help.

At IHL, we believe in providing our clients with transparency and honesty throughout the legal process. We are dedicated to building lasting relationships with our clients, and we are always available to provide guidance and support as needed.

If you are in need of legal representation or guidance for a complex contract, we encourage you to contact us to schedule a consultation. We are here to help you navigate the legal system and achieve the best possible outcome for your business.